What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
As our media in particular is a very small scale production an independent distribution company would be who we’d have to go to for distribution of our media product as big scale companies would be a lot less likely to do so. Soda Pictures are an example of a company that deal with independent films in particular, so this is more likely the kind of institution we’d work with to release our product and for a lot cheaper than a mainstream company such as Warner, on top of this it’s also a company based in the united kingdom so it’d mean it’s distributed to a local audience. As opposed to a company such as 20th Century Fox as they’re extremely well known and are guaranteed to be working with mass productions that will undoubtedly bring in a large number of views and revenue. As it is not professionally produced with a large crew managing each factor like sound and lighting, then it could easily be distributed through YouTube and become a partner to result in income per so many views this means it’ll be available for everyone to view for free and we’d still get a small amount of profit.
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