Friday 24 January 2014

Planning: Story Board & Location Scouting

Story board
I've joined into a group with Heather and Beth who originally planned a plot including a young girl but, as that was a hard character to portray with the people we had available, we had to adapt the plot a little so that was then changed to a group of teenagers which is then a lot easier for us in terms of finding actors and actresses to film as we have people in sixth form available to us. The story board is a rough plan of how we want the film opening to flow which contains the arrival upon an abandoned location, inserts of where dialogue should be present and how the characters act about the situation. The story board is only a rough representation of the  filming process as it means we have something to go on but we also have room for improvisation during the time we're filming so if we have any spur of the moment ideas that are good then we can include them into the filming process. The abandoned infrastructure we're going to use was found when location scouting and is only a  5-10 minute walk from school which means we can easily get there and back during free periods or in media lesson time so not only is it a great location but it's also extremely convenient for not only us as a group,  but the actors and actresses taking part too.

Location Scouting

Location scouting proved a success as we came across an abandoned green house still standing which is easily accessible from school and easily explorable, we took multiple photographs of aesthetically pleasing aspects and features throughout the abandoned infrastructure that we'd potentially include in our filming process.

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